A total of 75 megawatt solar parks are planned to be built on decommissioned mine sites in Pyhäjärvi's Callio and Nivala's Hitura mine. The goal of the project is to build a concept that can be used to harness decommissioned mining areas for the production of renewable solar electricity in the Nordic countries.
In the project, two solar parks will be built on a total area of approximately 160 hectares. In addition, a total of 7.5 MW of electricity storage will be built in connection with the parks.
The total budget of the project is approximately 61 million euros. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has granted the project a Next Generations EU grant of 12.1 million euros to implement the project.
The project is implemented in cooperation with Skarta Energy and Lumme Energia. The project company Callio-Hitura Solarpark Oy has been established for the project.
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The project began to be prepared in cooperation with the city of Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy and the Callio Energy Park project in Pyhäjärvi, as well as with the city of Nivala and the owner of the Hitura mining area in Nivala.
The mine tailings lands, which have gone out of use, were identified as the project area in both Callio and Hitura. Tailings lands cannot be used for anything other than lightweight structures, for example solar power plants.
01 / 2021
01 / 2021
The exact technical planning of the Callio and Hitura solar parks began in April 2022. In addition, the preparation and approval of the permit processes for the solar parks started.
04 / 2022
04 / 2022
NextGeneration EU
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment supported the project by granting 12.1 million euros of Next Generations EU support according to the EU's recovery and reciliency plan for the project company Callio-Hitura Solarpark Oy.
12 / 2022
12 / 2022
Callio's construction
The construction of the foundations of Callio solar power plant began in April 2024 and the panel installation in June 2024.
Solarigo Systems Oy is responsible for the construction of Callio solar power plant.
4 / 2024
4 / 2024
Building permit for Callio
Callio, more specifically Callio Energy Park I received a building permit in December 2023. In the picture, an illustrative picture of the solar park.
12 / 2023
12 / 2023
Construction of the expansion section
The construction of the expansion part of Atria Auringo started with earthworks after the soil had been sealed enough in May 2022. Solar panel installation started in August 2022.
05 / 2022
Implementation of the plugin
The 5.0 Megawatt expansion part of Atrian Auring was put into operation in March 2023. As a new technology, double-sided bi-facial solar panels were used in the park.
The extension part was built as a single park complex on the east side of the factory area.
With the expansion, Atria covers approximately 8% of its electricity consumption with emission-free solar electricity.
03 / 2023
Panel installations complete in Callio
The solar panel installations were completed on schedule six months after the construction of the PV plant began.
9 / 2024
9 / 2024