TT Gaskets has installed solar electricity production at its gasket factory in Tampere for strategic and responsibility reasons. In the company, it was seen that in addition to high-quality, when choosing gasket suppliers, responsibility measures are taken into account as a positive signal. TT-Gaskets has invested in a solar power plant because the company wants to take concrete responsibility measures itself as far as possible.
Responsibility for the next generations
As the leading Nordic manufacturer of gaskets and shims, we at TT Gaskets have designed and delivered high-quality technically accurate products and sealing services to the world’s major industries for 80 years.

TT Gaskets aims at carbon neutrality in its own operations by 2027. The company's goal is to reach carbon neutrality through its own actions without emission compensation. TT Gaskets sees investments in sustainable development as a significant and tangible way to participate in the green transition. At the same time, the company takes care of the realization of its long-term strategy. Responsibility has come up strongly in TT Gaskets' customer discussions in recent years. TT Gaskets strives to be the greenest choice in its field. With its own responsibility-promoting investments, the company aims for a long-term strategic and environmental impact.
TT Gaskets has reached a kind of maximum capacity in terms of solar power, as the company gets all the electrical energy it needs from the sun in sunny weather, and about 30% annually. The company has received positive feedback about the investment from its own personnel and external stakeholders. A solar poewr plant is one concrete example of a strong commitment to the company's environmental goals, and it is also easy to present. According to TT Gaskets' experience, the solar power plant works as a competitive advantage, as the company's customers value concrete responsibility solutions.
"Many of our external stakeholders have been openly delighted and impressed by our strong will to promote operations in accordance with our values and sustainable development," says TT Gaskets Quality, Lean and IT manager Matti Järvinen .
TT Gaskets was looking for a solar power partner and Solarigo's name soon came up when researching possible options. With good references, Solarigo aroused initial confidence and a joint discussion about a possible project strengthened the positive image. TT Gaskets participated in the project most actively during its definition phase, while Solarigo handled the implementation on a turnkey basis. The discussion started in October 2022, the solar power plant was installed in June-July 2023, with the installation work lasting about a month. From the customer's point of view, fast and flexible service and open and regular communication gave peace of mind and confidence that the project will be realized as agreed.
"The cooperation with Solarigo was very good throughout the project, and during the project there were pleasantly few surprises. The loudness of the inverters was a little surprising, but this issue was also resolved smoothly with Solarigo by moving the inverters to another room," sums up Järvinen .
"Many of our external stakeholders have been openly delighted and impressed by our strong will to promote operations in accordance with our values and sustainable development"
Matti Järvinen
Quality, Lean and IT Director
TT Gaskets